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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 217次 12-28 20:02:26 

标签:幼儿园小班教案范文,幼儿园教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 小班双语教学,


Teaching appellation: Fruit

Teaching peried: 15 minutes

Teaching appellation: Fruit

Teaching peried: 15 minutes

Teaching aims:

1 了解一些常见水果的名称和特征。

2 引导幼儿运用多种感官感知水果的特征

Teaching aids:

一个口袋里,里面有apple / pear / banana / melon.

Teaching process:

Step one: 猜水果

T: Today, we’ll go to fruit’s home.Riding in your car.

(Song: Riding in my car)

T: Look, it’s a pocket. Many fruit in it.

Tonch it and guess.

Step tw 吃水果

T: who can tell me ,what do you like?

S: I like apple.

T: In eights: eat fruit and talk about fruit

Step three: 说水果

Somebody introduce the fruit

T: What colour is it?

How does it touch?

How does it smell?

How does it taste?

Step four: 送水果回家

T: Look, fruit is crying ,they can’t find their mummy,canyou help them?

Teaching aims:

1 了解一些常见水果的名称和特征。

2 引导幼儿运用多种感官感知水果的特征

Teaching aids:

一个口袋里,里面有apple / pear / banana / melon.

Teaching process:

Step one: 猜水果

T: Today, we’ll go to fruit’s home.Riding in your car.

(Song: Riding in my car)

T: Look, it’s a pocket. Many fruit in it.

Tonch it and guess.

Step tw 吃水果

T: who can tell me ,what do you like?

S: I like apple.

T: In eights: eat fruit and talk about fruit

Step three: 说水果

Somebody introduce the fruit

T: What colour is it?

How does it touch?

How does it smell?

How does it taste?

Step four: 送水果回家

T: Look, fruit is crying ,they can’t find t

heir mummy,canyou help them?

Teaching appellation: Fruit

Teaching peried: 15 minutes

Teaching aims:

1 了解一些常见水果的名称和特征。

2 引导幼儿运用多种感官感知水果的特征

Teaching aids:

一个口袋里,里面有apple / pear / banana / melon.

Teaching process:

Step one: 猜水果

T: Today, we’ll go to fruit’s home.Riding in your car.

(Song: Riding in my car)

T: Look, it’s a pocket. Many fruit in it.

Tonch it and guess.

Step tw 吃水果

T: who can tell me ,what do you like?

S: I like apple.

T: In eights: eat fruit and talk about fruit

Step three: 说水果

Somebody introduce the fruit

T: What colour is it?

How does it touch?

How does it smell?

How does it taste?

Step four: 送水果回家

T: Look, fruit is crying ,they can’t find their mummy,canyou help them?

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