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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 410次 12-13 16:48:53 

标签:初中英语作文网,初中英语作文范文,http://www.16qiuxue.com 初中英语作文Ihaveahappyfamily.Mydadandmomloveme作文850字,
the Olympics was onece so far away from my life ,that as a senior one student here in China, I've never been involved with anything about Olympics. But next time, things will be different.

the 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing. Though it's still a few year from now, I still feel the enthusiasm of our Chinese people. Last time I wandered in the streets and saw a crowd of people buying something in big amounts. I was so curious that I went up and had a closer look. they were fighting to buy the new mascots for the 2008 Olmpics. the mascots were made in different sizes and styles, but they all come from the original features of \"Fuwa\"(the lucky kids). From then on , I realised how close the international and historical game is to me!
As a high school student, I'd be a freshman in college during the Olympics in Beijing. How I wish I could be a volunteer, and really devote myself into it!
Time flieswww.16qiuxue.com, and two years is just a blink of an eye. Tomorrow, I'll be a pround Chinese, who is able to be proud of his own to have a memory of the glorious game.不错哦,初中英语作文Ihaveahappyfamily.Mydadandmomloveme作文850字


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