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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 832次 12-28 20:17:54 

标签:英语工作计划大全总结,http://www.16qiuxue.com 小学新学期开学英语讲话稿,
Department of wonderful holiday and happy life has ended. The new semester has gone off the bell, do you have to do a good job of preparation set foot on a new journey? The new semester, we have a new improvement; the new semester, we have to come up with the spirit of new learning; the new semester, we have to do a better job! How it should be done?
     First of all, a good mental state to be adjusted, we need to actively mobilize the enthusiasm of their own learning, dedicated to the study, and strict demands on themselves, because today's work is tomorrow's harvest.
    Secondly, we must keep up with various teachers, serious study, so results for the basis of the original rising.
    Also, in strict accordance with the "day-to-day code of conduct for primary and secondary school students" to ask themselves up to become a good student of civilization. The love of respecting teachers, schools, real unity of the students into action.
    Students! This semester will be our harvest season, worthy of hard work to educate our teachers, worthy of no complaint, but busy parents, more worthy of our own, then let us move together, with our co-teachers Endeavor to meet the fruitful results!

Thank you!





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