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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 137次 12-28 20:02:30 

标签:幼儿教师演讲稿范文,幼儿教师师德演讲稿,http://www.16qiuxue.com 信念是一粒种子英语演讲稿,
One year, a British expedition into the Sahara desert an area, in the vast distances in the Shahai. Under the sun, the sand flying all over the sky like red iron speculation general, head of the players face the name of adventure. Sunburn may feel thirsty, burning --- you did not the water. At this time, come up with a water bottle adventure captain, said: "There is a pot of water, but before crossing the desert, no drink."

A pot of water, through the desert has become a source of faith, the place has become a goal of survival. Transmission of water in the hands of players, it felt heavy so that team members face the brink of despair, but also showed strong expression. Finally, strong team out of the desert, get rid of the hands of death. We with trembling hands opened the pot screw support the spirit of their water flow out --- slowly, but it is a pot full of sand!

Under the scorching sun, the vast desert, really saved them, and where is it that a pot of sand? Persistent belief that they have as a seed, take root in their hearts, and ultimately led them out of the "desperate."

In fact, life has never been a real impasse. No matter how many hardships suffered, no matter how much suffering, so long as a person's mind is also a conviction with the seeds, then one day, he will be out of the woods, so that the lives of the results of re-flowering.

Life is, as long as the seed is still hope on.








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