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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 356次 12-28 20:07:03 

标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语牛津9AUnit1教案,
    Tell them to present their flow charts clearly and neatly, as they will be displayed on the wall of the classroom.
    6. Ask students to write a formal letter of their own. Remind them to use the flow chart they created as a guide for the letter. Also remind them they can use Kitty and Millie's letter as a model. Encourage them to add new and additional information if they can, and remind them that they can use synonyms of the adjectives in the letter.
    7. When students have finished their letters, remind them to check their own work for mistakes. Tell students to swap their letters with their partners to check each other's work for mistakes.
    8. Suggest alternatives and improvements to students' work. Try not to tell students what they have done wrong all the time. Also highlight areas where they have done something well, in order to boost their confidence.
    9. Ask students to write their final letter on a piece of plain paper, or for those who are able to, type it on a computer.
    10. Display the letters on the classroom wall. For stronger classes, ask each student to present their recommendation to the class. for weaker classes, allow students to present their recommendation to a partner only.
    11. Homework:  《课时练》P15-16
    9A  Unit 1 Star Signs
    第十课时   Main task 
    Check out
    1. To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit
    2. To give students the opportunity to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary items learnt in this unit, and to gain confidence through doing so
    3. To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have
    teaching procedures:
    1. Tell students that this is revision. They have already learnt these words and grammar items
    2. Ask students to do Part A on page 19 on their own. Then choose three students to be the three main characters. Ask them to role-play the conversation. The rest of the class check their answers.
    Part B
    Teaching procedures:
    1. Students complete Part B on their own.
    2. For more able students, ask them to try to work out the answers without seeing the picture prompts. For less able students, tell them that the pictures will give them clues to the scrambled words.
    3. Homework:  《课时练》P17-20

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