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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 356次 12-28 20:07:03 

标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语牛津9AUnit1教案,
    4. Ask students to work on their own to do Part B. Remind them to look at the pictures and the words provided.
    5. Ask students to compare their answers with their neighbours and discuss the differences.
    6. When the discussion is finished, ask a student for the answer to No.1. Ask all students who agree to raise their hands. If a student gives an incorrect answer, ask other students what the correct answer should be.
    7. Homework:  《课时练》P7-8
    9A  Unit 1 Star Signs
    第五、六课时   Grammar
    1. To use 'it is'+ adjective + 'of'… + '(not) to'-infinitive to express opinions about a person's actions.
    2. To use the verb 'to be' + adjective + 'enough' + 'to'-infinitive to describe a person's characteristics and abilities.
    3. To use the basic sentence elements to make up a sentence
    part A
    teaching procedures
    1. Tell students that we use the 'it is'+ adjective + 'of'… + '(not) to'-infinitive structure to talk about our feelings towards people and what they do.
    2. Ask three students to read the three sentences in the grammar table at the top of page 9. Encourage students to ask questions if they are unsure of the meaning.
    3. Ask students to complete the exercise on their own. Students have to write the correct words form the box in the blanks without making any changes.
    4. Ask a pair of students to read out what they have written. Check for incorrect answers and mispronunciation.
    Part B
    Teaching procedures:
    1. Tell students that we can also use the verb 'to be' + adjective + 'enough' + 'to'-infinitive structure to talk about a person's personality and abilities.
    2. Explain the difference between the structure in Part A and the structure in Part B. In part A, students learn to express what they think about someone else's actions. In Part B, students learn to express what they think about a person's personality and abilities.
    3. Ask three different students to read the sentences in the grammar table at the top of page 10. Encourage students to ask questions if they are unsure of the meaning.
    4. For stronger classes, tell students to cover the adjectives on the right and work on their own to write the sentences for Part B. Remind them that they need to rearrange the order of the words, and choose a proper adjective for each sentence. For weaker classes, students can use the adjectives on the right to form sentences. Encourage more able students to write the sentences with their own adjectives. Accept any sensible answers.
    5. Ask students to read out their sentences. Check for mistakes and mispronunciation.
    Part C
    Teaching procedures
    1. Write a sentence on the board. Ask students to shorten the above sentence to give the main idea of it. Explain to students that a sentence can be divided into different parts. We can add or remove the different parts of a sentence to clarify the meaning of it.
    2. Tell students that each sentence part has its own name. Ask seven students each to read one definition and the sample sentences that follow. Encourage them to ask questions if they are not sure of the meaning.
    3. Explain to students that the basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the predicate. To make a sentence richer in meaning, we can add predicative, objects, attributives and adverbials to the sentence with additional information.
    4. Ask students to complete Part C1 on page 12 using the table on page 11 as a guide.
    5. Ask eight students to each read out one sentence and the answer they choose. Check for mistakes and mispronunciation.
    6. Ask each student to find a sentence from any English book, magazine or newspaper. Then ask them to identify the different parts of the sentence.
    7. Ask students to complete the sentences in Part C2 on page 13 and choose the correct sentence element in brackets. For stronger classes, ask students to add more elements to each of the sentences. For weaker classes, allow students to work in pair.
    8. Ask students to volunteer to read out their answers. Ask them to read the whole sentence, not just the words they have written.
    9. Homework:  《课时练》P9-12
    9A  Unit 1 Star Signs
    第七课时   Integrated skills
    Part A
    1. To understand the context of a horoscope, in both its written and spoken forms
    2. To consolidate the information gained from reading and listening, then determine the facts
    teaching procedures
    1. Tell students that we read horoscopes just for fun.
    2. Ask students where they might read a horoscope like that in Part A1 on page 14, e.g., newspaper, magazine, newsletter, website or e-mail.
    3. For weaker classes, read the horoscope in Part A1 to the class. for stronger classes, ask a student to read the horoscope aloud.
    4. Review keywords and phrases with students.
    5. Ask students to read the advertisement, then fill in as much information in Millie's notes as they can. Remind them that they will not be able to complete all the answers. For weaker classes, help students by telling them which answers cannot be found in the advertisement.
    6. Ask students to look carefully at what they have written and pay attention to the gaps they have not yet been able to fill.
    7. Play the recording once without stopping.
    8. If necessary, play the recording again, stopping after each answer or sentence so that students have time to fill in their answers.
    9. Tell students to look at their answers. If they still have some gaps, ask them to read the advertisement again at the top of the page in case they have missed something. Play the recording once more without stopping.
    10. Ask students to read one answer each. Check for mistakes and mispronunciation. For weaker classed, it is useful to play the recording again once students have completed the exercise. This consolidates what students have learnt and gives them a sense of achievement.

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