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单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period)

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标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The first period),
               Maybe it would be better to choose…
              Our readers want to know about…
            3. Talk about news and the media.
            4. Train the students' listening and speaking abilities.
            Teaching Important Points:
            1. Master the useful words and expressions appearing in this period.
            2. Train the students' listening and speaking abilities by talking
            about news and the media.
            Teaching Difficult Points:
            1. How to help the students understand the listening material
            2. How to help the students finish the task of speaking.
            Teaching Methods:
            1. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through
            the listening material.
            2. Individual, pair or group work to make the students finish each
            Teaching Aids:
            1. a tape recorder
            2. a projector
            3. the blackboard
            Teaching Procedures:
            Step I Greetings and Lead-in
            T: Good morning/afternoon, class.
            Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/ Mr. X.
            T: Sit down, please. Being the members of the society, we all cares
            for/about  what happens around us or even what happens at home and
            abroad. How can you do so?
            Ss: By reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV programmes,
            listening to the radio.
            T: Are there any other ways? Think it over.
            Ss: By a website.
            T: Yes. It’s also a way to learn about the world. What do you call
            these things which help us know about to the world?
            T: In English, we call it news media. Today we'll begin to learn
            Unit 2 News media (Bb: Unit 2 News media). First, let's learn the
            new words in this period. Look at the screen.  
            (Teacher first asks some students to read the words on the screen.
            Correct the Ss' mistakes in prononciation. Then teacher gives brief
            explanations. At last, let the Ss read and remember them for a
            Step Ⅱ Warming up
             T: Well, now please open your books at Page 9. Warming up first.
            Look at each of the pictures and tell me which kind of news media it
            Ss: The first picture shows a website; the second one shows radio;
            the third one shows TV programmes; the fourth one shows magazines;
            the fifth one shows newspapers.
            T: Quite right!  Now, please work in groups of four and discuss the
            five questions below the pictures. A few minutes later, I’ll cotleet
            your answers. OK?
            Ss: OK.
            T: You can begin now.
             (A few minutes later. )
            T: Are you ready now?
            Ss: Yes.
            T: Which group would like to talk about the first question? Choose
            one member of your group to answer the question.
            S1: I think TV is the most reliable among the news media. TV

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