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Nelson Mandela—a modern hero

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标签:高一英语必修2教案范文,高一英语下学期教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com Nelson Mandela—a modern hero,

Nelson Mandela—a modern hero

    Step 1. Pre-writing
    1. Ask the Ss to say something about Nelson Mandela.
    2. Ss read more about his life.
    Step 2. While-writing
    1. Ss collect their ideas for the letter. Write them down in order.
    2. Ss begin the letter with their address and the date. They may begin like this:
    Dear president,
    I am writing to ask you to free Nelson Mandela. Here are some reasons why I think he should be free….
    3. Finish the letter like this:
    Yours sincerely,
    (Your name)
    4. Choose some Ss to read their letters.
    Suggested answers
    Jinan No.1 Middle School
    Shandong, China
    October 27, 2004
    Dear President,
    I am writing to ask you to free Nelson Mandela. Here are some reasons why I think he should be free.
    As we all know, people with different colors should be equal. Nelson Mandela devoted all his life to realize this dream. I n1994, he founded the ANC Youth League to call on people to struggle for their rights to vote. In 1952, he opened a law office to help the poor black people in Johannesburg on their problems. The black people loved him.
    In 1962, Mandela encouraged people to use violence against anti-black laws to get their rights, so he was sentenced to five years hard labor. One year later, as one of the leaders of the ANC, he led them to blow up the government buildings to realize their dream of making black and white people equal, so that he was again sentenced to prison for life on Robben Island until now.
    I think, what he did was for his people, his country, not for himself. He has an unselfish and brave heart. As he is a great man, you should set him free.
    Best wishes!
    Yours truly,
    Li Hua
    Step 3. Writing task
    Ask the Ss write a great person in their eyes.
    Give the Ss a possible version after they finish it.
    Mother Teresa
    Personal information
    Was born in Yugoslavia, on August 27, 1910, a nurse, got the Noble Peace Prize
    Hard work
    Help the poor and comforting the dying in the street of the city; her work spread to others parts of India
    Good qualities
    Hard-working, kind-hearted, persistent
    Your opinion
    A well-known person, worth the prize

,Nelson Mandela—a modern hero
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  • Nelson Mandela—a modern hero
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