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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 811次 12-10 23:25:49 

标签:高三作文,高中作文范文,高中作文大全,http://www.16qiuxue.com 我的英文日记作文600字_高中作文,
May I write this diary in English? 
 Welcome to see my fleeings and thank you for caring about me.  These days,I m busy in teaching,which is not quite easy in my opinion now."Never To Be A Teacher."I have been thinking so since long long ago. I believe, so do you. Right?  We now have 10 students, all in senior one.Only two of them are girls.In the first ten dans,I taught all the four subjects ,in the moring and in the afternoon.I felt a little tired.But in the depth of my heart, I was so happy that I struggled myself out of the lonely and blue days.Believe life,believe our future.We need to do as much as we can to build a meaningful and wondful life,our short life. 
  I have also many other things to do in future.I can walk, run ,rush, even fly.I can be myself. Do you think so? Let s go on!!


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