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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 317次 12-10 23:01:22 

标签:高二作文,高中作文例文,高中作文范文,http://www.16qiuxue.com 日记作文450字_高中作文,
   The new term which lasted more than one month is very different. I have to face more and more challenges. Everything is new for me,new acclimation 不错哦 你也可以投稿 www.16qiuxue.com,new subjects and new classmates.though some subjects is canceled including history,politics,geography and so on,it was sense of exhausted that made me wanted to have a good rest all the time.Twenty days later I will face middle examination. I am busy with it every day.I don t know ability of my competitors and myself.But i will spare no efforts to conquer the grade.I want to ambitions sonner or later. 


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