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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 865次 12-10 20:53:38 

标签:高一作文大全,高中作文范文,高中作文大全,http://www.16qiuxue.com ME作文450字_高中作文,
   Hello,everybody,I m so glad that we can be classmates,Now,let me introduce myself. 
  My name is Liao jiaying,I m from Liannan,I was born in November 23th,1993.I m s shy girl. I have small eyes and long hair,I like blue,yellow and white. By the way,I like sports very much, For example.I like playing ping_pong and Swimming.But I don t like running. I have many hobbies,Such as reading many diffrence books,listing to music and watching TV.However, I don t like watching terrormovies.Because I think it wouble make me fell nervous.   If you want to know more about me,you can make friend with me.


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