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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 279次 12-10 19:00:05 

标签:初一作文题目,初一作文600字,初一作文大全500字,http://www.16qiuxue.com 经典英文(转载)作文400字_初中作文,
 Oceans apart day after day and I slouly go insane .I hear your voice on the live .But it doesn t stop the pain . Wherever you go whatever you do. I will bi right here waiting for you . 
  Above the blue  Where the tides of heavev flow 
You are destined for higher ground 
Not to linger with me 
To the earth Iam ever boune.Eternally...... 
Sidy by side with you till the end  
I will always be the one to firmly hold your hand 
No matter what is said or clone done 
Our love will always continue on 


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