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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 172次 12-10 18:57:16 

标签:初一作文题目,初一作文600字,初一作文大全500字,http://www.16qiuxue.com DAYOFF作文500字_初中作文,
  Dear jim 
  How was your day off ? Did you go to the aquarium ? Did you play soccer? I had a really fun day off And the weather was sunny.   In the morning, I went to the aquarium ,saw some seals some sharks and watched dolphin show you won’t believe it but I met jay chou the famous singer I got his autougraph I was very happy. Then I played basketball with my friends and swam.   In the noon, I ate hamburger and chickey www.16qiuxue.com,drink cola . 
  In the afternoon , I went to the bookship to read a book Then I went to the gift ship to buy a lot of gifts At the end of day ,I went to the zhongshan’s park and took photos. 
  Your friend wangcheng 


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