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当前位置:一路求学网试题课件下载考试试卷下载英语试卷九年级英语试卷2017年中考英语真题分类汇编:单词拼写、词形填空 下载


  • 名称:2017年中考英语真题分类汇编:单词拼写、词形填空 下载
  • 类型:九年级英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:12-28
  • 下载次数:303
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:413 KB 4
  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:中考英语  单词  九年级英语试题下载,九年级英语期末试卷, 本站提供2017年中考英语真题分类汇编:单词拼写、词形填空免费下载,http://www.16qiuxue.com
知识点1:单词拼写 1.(2009•甘肃兰州) 读句子,根据汉语或首字母提示补全单词。 1. The policeman told that man to give a __________(描述) of the accident. 2. W_____________ is the third day of a week. 3. We are often told not to be __________(紧张) in the examinations. 4. The weather in South China is d_________ from that in North China. 5. That book is well ____________ (值得) reading. You’d better read it. 【答案】 1. description 2. Wednesday 3. nervous 4. different 5. worth 2.(2009•广州) 用所给的单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整通顺,每条横线限填一个单词。 1. 1 couldn't understand why he was so (interest) in the invitation. 2. He did the work very ( care). Everybody said he had done a good job. 3. I met an old friend of (I) in the Summer Palace last Sunday. 4. Many new (potato) will grow from one potato planted in the ground. 5. We hope it will be (sun) tomorrow, for our picnic. 【答案】1. interested 2. carefully 3. mine 4. potatoes 5. sunny 3.(2009•山东淄博) 根据句义完成句中已给出首字母的单...,大小:413 KB


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