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标签:七年级下册英语教案范文,七年级下英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 七年级英语牛津版7AUnit5教案1,


    Unit 5   Going shopping (hyfy)
    Period 1   Comic Strip and Welcome to the Unit
    Teaching Aims:
    1. To introduce  vocabulary about common presents for teenagers
    2. To activate existing vocabulary and new words related to this unit theme
    3. To learn how to sort vocabulary
    Teaching Contents:
    1.Words:   A. free  birthday  wallet  already
    B. sticker ,present , yo -yo ,idea
    2.Phrases  :A. go shopping, be free , a lot of , carry bags , comic book , pencil box,  music box
    B. shopping mall ,hair clip ,photo album
    3.Sentence  structures:
    A. Simon 's birthday  is coming  up .  What do you think ?
    Do you have any good idea ? 
    I want you to go shopping with me today .
    B. I need you to carry all the bags .
    He likes playing football very much .
    Teaching procedures:
    StepⅠ Presentation.
    The teacher  comes into the classroom with a smile and says :Today I am happly because it is my birthday ,please sing ' Happy  birthday to you ' for me .OK,  Let 's  start .
    Showing a CD and say :I have a present from my friend .Ilove it very much .
    Teach the new words :birthday . present
    StepⅡ Practice
    Show the picture and say :Simon and Sandy will both have their birthdays next week .Amy wants to buy some presents  for them .Do you like these presents ?How do you say these presents in English ?
    Read the new words and phrases in Part A .
    StepⅢ Practice
    1.Read Part B and answer the questions :
    1)Whose birthday is coming up ?
    2)What does Millie  tell Daniel  to buy for Simon ?
    3)Does Somon have a yo -yo  ?
    ﹍4)What can Daniel buy for Simon ?
    2.Read Part B after the teacher ,then practice it in pairs .
    3.Fill in the blanks :
    1)Does he have any music ________(唱片) at the moment .
    2)Millie loves beautiful ___________(发夹 )
    3)Kitty has many _________(礼物 )for her birthday .the ________is her favourite .
    4)My cousin likes reading ________(漫画书 )after school .
    5)Boys in our school often buy football_________(贴画 )in that shop .
    4.Complete the sentences:
    1) Daniel wants to buy a pencil box _________(给Simon )
    2)Chinese  New Year ______________________.(就要到了 )
    3)Kitty usually eats vegetables and meat for dinner .___________________________ (你认为如何? )
    4)I don 't know how to say this word ._______________________ (你能帮我吗?)
    5)There is some homework ___________________.(要做)
    StepIV  Listening
    1.  Present some questions on the blackboard .
    Does Eddie want to go shopping with Hobo?
    Why does Hobo ask Eddie to go with him ?
    2.  Play the tape of comic strip and deal with the questions.
    StepV  Reading
    Boys are Eddie, and girls are Hobo. Read together.
    StepVI  Act out
    1. Give Ss several minutes to prepare the role-play.
    2. Choose several pairs to the front to act it out.
    StepVII  Homework 
    1 Review the words and  phrases .
    2 Recite Part B .
    3.Make a conversation with the sentences :
    can I help you ?
    I want to buy ﹍
    It 's  too small /big .
    What about ﹍?
    How much ﹍?
    I 'l take /buy this .


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