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welcome to the unit教案

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标签:高三英语复习教案范文,高三英语备课教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com welcome to the unit教案,

welcome to the unit教案

    1st period              Welcome to the Unit
    Teaching aims:
    (1). Students are expected to fully participate in a discussion about why people break the law and discuss their opinions about young people who become hackers.
    (2) Encourage students to think of ways to make the society safer.
    (3).By talking about the pictures and discussing, students' spoken English can be practised.
    Important points & difficult points:
    (1).Students are expected to express their own opinions by talking about why people break the law, discuss their opinions about young people who become hackers
    (2). Students are encouraged to speak freely.
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step 1: Lead-in
    (1) Show students some pictures with peaceful scenes.
    (2). Ask them: Seeing these pictures, do you like to live in a peaceful world. Why?
    (Possible answers: Yes, we do. Because we can study, live, play and work without any worries.    …)
    (3)Tell them: But there're always things against people's wishes. Some people are always committing crimes. Why do you think people commit crimes? (possible answers: expressing hatred; in the hope of getting more money; lacking sense of law ……)
    (4) Ask: What kind of crimes do you know?
    (possible answers: terrorism; kidnapping; murder; violence; theft; burglary)
    Step 2. Discussion: 
    Get the students to discuss: a) What is your opinion about people committing cybercrime?              
    b) What can we do to make our society safer?
    Step 3. Story-making:  Get the students to make up a story about each picture at page 49. Take the first one as an example: A man was sleeping with his bag of money lying beside him. Unfortunately, his was found rich, and a thief was trying to get the money. He was stealing the bag using a hook. He might be successful this time, but I think he will definitely be caught one day.
    Step 4. Extensive reading:
    Get the students to read the passage at page 126 and allow them time to answer the questions below the article.
    Step 5. Homework:
    (1). Finish the passage at P. 127
    (2). Preview Reading.
,welcome to the unit教案
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