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高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities

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标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities,

【 创新园地 】

  请你根据下面所提供的内容,为墙报写一篇题为“My Devoted ( 忠实的 ) Friend—Books”的稿件。字数:110左右。

  1 . 我五岁时,父母亲给我买了很多图画书。

  2 . 书激起了我对一切的兴趣,我与书交了朋友。

  3 . 书使我懂得了很多,它告诉我什么是好,什么是坏;它教我如何与别人很好相处。

  4 . 当我学习落后感到失望时,它使我充满信心 ( confidence ) 。

  5 . 总而言之,书使愚蠢的人聪明,使胆小的 ( coward ) 人勇敢,使聪明的人更聪明。


  My Devoted Friend—Books

  When I was a boy of five , my parents bought me a lot of picture - books . The moving stories aroused my great interest in the world around us . From then on I began to make friends with good books .

  As time went on , I came to know a lot of things . It is the books that teach me how to get on well with others . And it is the books that tell me it is good to love others and it is bad for one to think only of oneself .

  I once fell behind in my studies and felt disappointed . Again it was the books that gave me courage and confidence .

  In a word , books make a foolish bright , a coward man brave and a bright man wiser .

【 同步题库 】


  1 . They lived _____ .

  A . happy B . happy life C . a happy life D . happy lives

  2 . You\'d better _____ early at the station _____ getting a ticket .

  A . arrive ; to make sure of B . to arrive ; make us

  C . get ; to be sure of D . reach ; to be sure about

  3 . All the beauty _____ loved by people , whether _____ or _____ .

  A . are ; old ; young B . is ; the old ; young

  C . is ; old ; young D . have been ; the old , the young

  4 . They got home ______ last night , _____ , early this morning .

  A . lately ; or B . late ; or rather

  C . lately ; otherwise D . late ; however

  5 . _____ the sound of the gun , the first runner ______ from their ______ points .

  A . On ; began ; start B . Though ; ran ; started

  C . At ; shot ; starting D . With , started ; beginning

  6 . It\'s very cold today . His nose ______ red ______ cold .

  A . turns ; with B . becomes ; on C . gets ; at D . makes ; through

  7 . ______ morning exercises will do good _____ your health .

  A . To do ; for B . Do ; to C . Doing ; for D . Doing ; to

  8 . Fortunately he was not ______ , _____ his leg _____ in the terrible accident .

  A . hurt ; and ; broken B . killed ; but had ; injured

  C . killed ; or had ; hurting D . hurt ; but had ; injuring

  9 . Have the _____ sticks _____ while they are sleeping , or they _____ here .

  A . lighted ; burning ; will feel cold
  B . lit ; burned ; will feel very cold

  C . burned ; lighting ; will have cold

  D . lighting ; burning ; will catch cold

  10 . Doctors _____ him _____ any more _____ he had to give up _____ his illness .

  A . advised ; not to smoke ; and ; smoking because of

  B . persuaded ; not to smoke ; and ; smoking because of

  C . tried to persuade ; not smoke ; but ; treating

  D . persuaded ; don\'t smoke ; but ; getting rid of

  11 . The boy , _____ by the noble , died a few days ______ .

  A . having been wounded ; late B . wounding ; late

  C . wounded ; later D . being wounded ; after

  12 . Even during the Spring Festival , she _____ her new book .
  A . was kept busy working at B . kept busy working for

  C . kept working for D . worked at

  13 . After _____ the whole affair , he _____ prison .

  A . writing down ; was put in the B . disclosing ; was put in

  C . described ; was thrown into D . giving an account of ; was sent to the

  14 . _____ by the police , the prisoner did not escape _____ .

  A . To be surrounded ; to be caught B . Surrounding ; to run away

  C . Being surrounding ; being run away D . Surrounded ; being caught

  15 . “I wonder whether you would mind _____ me a favour” .

  “_______ . ”

  A . to do ; Yes , of course B . doing ; Not at all

  C . to do ; Yes , I\'m glad to D . doing ; No , I\'m sorry I can

  Charles Dickens

  Charles Dickens was ( 1 ) of the greatest writers of England . He was born ( 2 ) the 7th of February , 1812 . His father was a clerk in the city ( 3 ) Portsmouth . There Charles first  went to school .

  In 1812 the family ( 4 ) to London , where his father ( 5 ) and was put in ( 6 ) . The whole family went to live there . For many years the ( 7 ) building of the prison was the family\'s home . When Charles was only ten years old , he ( 8 ) school and began a lonely and hard struggle with poverty . In order to ( 9 ) the family he ( 10 ) at a factory . He worked from early morning ( 11 ) late at night . He was so unhappy there ( 12 ) years latter he could never speak of the time spent at the factory without pain .

  Many years ( 13 ) before Charles returned to school . When he graduated , he became a reporter of ( 14 ) newspaper in London . The work of a reporter led him to ( 15 ) . In 1836 , when only ( 16 ) of age , Charles Dickens wrote his first book , which made him known ( 17 ) in England and in some other countries . From that time ( 18 ) Charles Dickens devoted himself to literature . Among his best known books ( 19 ) “Hard Times” , “David Copperfield”and “Donbey and Son” , all reflecting and criticizing his age . ( 20 ) a deep sympathy for the labouring people of his time , he wrote about them in ( 21 ) of his books , about their misfortunes and their longings for a better ( 22 ) . He also gave us a true picture of the unhappy life of the children in the ( 23 ) . It is this criticism of the vices ( 罪恶 ) of the capitalist system ( 24 ) makes his books so important although he did not call for active struggle ( 25 ) the ruling class .

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,高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities


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