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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 500次 12-28 20:07:03 

标签:高二英语选修7教案范文,高二英语下册教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 英语教案-Disneyland,
Possible answers
1) They didn’t think that the pictures were interesting/anything of interest.
2) I believe that she can/will be strict with herself.
3) She found that everything here was controlled by the computer.
4) We don’t know whether/if she is/will be able to come.
5) He thinks that you’d better go to Guangzhou by train.
6) He asked me to tell you that he was too busy to see you off at the airport.
Assignment: 1. WB Ex.3 (written work )
2. WB. RevisionEx.1-3
3. Additional writing : write about the life of Walt Disney
Born:Chicago, 1901
Died:in 1966
Wish:to be a famous artist
Work:artist, cartoon-maker, film-maker
Cartoon characters:Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck etc.
Became well-known:during 1920s
Successes:to make famous cartoon characters, cartoon films and start studios


A Short Play
A plays as the tourist guide, other students act as visitors.
A introduce Disneyland Park using pictures ,other students ask questions about the park.
Role-play A Press Conference 记者招待会
A plays as a newspaper reporter. B plays Walt Disney.
A is asking the following questions
1) May I ask you when and where you were born, Mr. Disney?
2) Could you tell me what kind of family you were born in? What was your fathers job? What about your mother?
3) What were you most interested in when you were young?
4) Did you think you would be a famous artist as a young man?
5) When did you become well-known as a cartoon-maker?
6) Whats your plan for the future?
Thank you very much. Mr. Disney.
Ss work in pairs, trying to remember more about Walt Disney )

Topics for discussion
1) How do you think of Walt Disney?
2) What do you think we should learn fro m him?
3) How would you full-fill your own wish?

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